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Here you will find ways to practice and get better at VISUAL ARTS using the essential standards created by North Carolina Schools.
As an artist you will have to make sure you have a presence in this class and finish all work to your abilities. This is one of the few classes where you can test out of extra work by scoring high on different tasks. You will also want to make sure you check your attitude and the way you interact with your class along with me. You will be responsible for checking for your work and finishing your work. Reframe from stealing work or doing some one else’s work. This class is setup to build your skills over time. I do not care about perfection on the first try. This class will be about getting closer to perfection to build true talent.

-Always check the canvas Home page and log on to the teams link!

-Turn in any work on time, if some thing happens then let me know. Late work will get graded when I feel like it so get your work in on time to get your grade on time. If you do not have a reason for your late work then it may not be accepted, some of the reasons will require documentation.

-Work on your work during class time to show me you are trying, yes I will be watching

-Get rid of the attitude that you can’t do some thing that has no place here. If you are trying you will see progress ask any one that has made it to my Honors classes most of them couldn’t draw at first. You are here to get better even if you are the best artist in your family! Ever one can get better.

-Putting some ones work down with out showing them how to make some thing better is toxic and not a good look. This will get your work judged at a higher standard!

-Disrupt my class at your own risk, be toxic in my class at your own risk, Sit on my desk in the classroom at your own risk, don’t clean up your space or put your work up at your own risk. Yes this means I will throw your stuff away, yes this means you better not interrupt me while I’m talking or talking to some one else.

-Act like an adult and you will be treated like an adult. Yes this means following the rules and sitting in your desk or assigned area to work.
-Work like an artist and you will be treated like an artist and given advice and freedom to create along with possibly making some money from your skills.
-Don’t fight working. Before you know it you will be graduating

Make it stand out.

  • Dream it.

    Be sure to go to the Class pintrest


  • Build it.

    Find the tools you need and lets get building!

  • Grow it.

    Every thing grows with practice. Here you can find some technics to practice to get you warmed up.